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Become a Website Sponsor- Support AAFA Alaska today!

Our chapter is a not-for-profit, 501(c)3 organization, and we gratefully acknowledge donations from corporations and individuals willing to sponsor our Web Site. We look forward to making our Asthma and Allergy community aware of your support for our mission!

Sponsorships are not a payment for service, but rather are a donation to AAFA Alaska for which we give acknowledgment. Positioning is subject to availability at the time of your signed order.

These sponsorships receive a fixed-position graphic acknowledgment of specific pixel size and placed on home page. Sponsorship and recognition does not imply sponsorship of any event or service, or allow the use of AAFA Alaska logos or names. Such sponsorship arrangements must be coordinated through the Executive Director.

If you are interested in finding out how you can have your company’s logo and link on AAFA Alaska’s website or E-Newsletter, email us at

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