Childcare Centers
The Childcare Centers listed below have had staff members attend the AAFA Asthma & Allergy Essentials for Childcare Providers Program within the last 12 months. This 3-hour course is designed to give child care providers the tools & knowledge they need to care for children with asthma & allergies.
Information covered includes:
- 🞂 Symptoms & precipitating factors
- 🞂 Warning signs of an asthma episode.
- 🞂 Recognition of asthma triggers
- 🞂 Common types of allergies
- 🞂 Symptoms of anaphylaxis
- 🞂 Environmental control measures
- 🞂 Appropriate administration of an epi-pen
- 🞂 Medications for asthma & anaphylaxis
- 🞂 Tools for managing asthma & allergies
- 🞂 Using asthma/allergy action plans
- 🞂 And much more!
*** One or more staff members from the centers listed above attended this training program. If you are a parent of a child with asthma and/or allergies it is important that you speak with your childcare director and carefully review your emergency plans. Plan to have a direct and honest discussion so that you can determine if you are comfortable with the centers level of care for your child. If you need additional educational resources for yourself or your childcare center, please contact AAFA Alaska.